The Japanese people do not really want the Olympics, the ministers are already skeptical

A Japanese government member has questioned the holding of the Tokyo Olympics this summer, which was postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic.

“We need to be best prepared for the games, but it could end differently,” Kono Taro, the minister responsible for administration and reform, said on Thursday. "Whatever can happen, the Olympic Committee must also develop a plan B and C. Our situation is not easy," he added.

Due to the rising number of infections and the recently declared state of emergency, the population is increasingly skeptical about the Olympic system. A few days ago, in an opinion poll, about eighty percent of Japanese said the Olympics and Paralympics should be canceled or postponed again.

Mori Josiro, chairman of the organizing committee, however, said on Tuesday that another postponement was "completely impossible." He added that based on the epidemic situation, a decision will be made in February or March on whether there may be foreign spectators at the competitions.

The Olympics would have originally taken place between July 24 and August 9 last year, and the Paralympics would have started on August 25, but both were postponed in March due to the coronavirus epidemic. The five-ring games are currently scheduled to take place from July 23 to August 8 this year, and the Paralympics will take place from August 24 to September 5.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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