We can help schoolchildren in need with school supplies and donation cards

Parents are well aware that starting a school year is not always carefree, as it means serious spending every fall. The Joy of Giving until September 5th! As part of the charity campaign, you can support the children of needy families with school-like donation cards in the INTERSPAR stores and through the SPAR online shop. Between 25 and 28 August, volunteers from the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service will personally receive school donations in the SPAR Group's hypermarkets. (X)

Remember when, as a toddler, you packed your school tub with your mom the night before the first day of school? How good was it to arrange the pencils one by one in the pen holder and bind the textbooks? Once you become a parent, you also learn how the shopping list for school supplies is sometimes very long and how expensive it is to start the school year. There are those for whom these expenses are an extraordinarily heavy burden.


School bag filled with school supplies from a donation card

This year, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR are organizing their school start-up fundraising campaign for the first time, with which they support those for whom starting school is a burdensome or insurmountable financial challenge. You can help them now until September 5! You can make it easier for them to start school with donation cards that can be purchased in 500, 1500, 3000, 5000 and 10,000 forint denominations. The products they buy symbolically are exchanged for a set of colored pencils, a set of booklets, a pen holder full of stationery, a drawing set, and a school bag filled with school supplies, which are delivered by their staff to the school children of families in need before the school year. You can find the contact details of the 33 INTERSPAR stores participating in the promotion at www.adniorom.hu, and you can even buy donation cards in the SPAR online shop.

Donate school supplies to those in need!

The Joy of Giving! You can also support the initiative with material donations during the school fundraising campaign. Volunteers of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service August 25-28, 2021. between 2003, they will be set up in 33 INTERSPAR stores nationwide to personally collect donations purchased locally in hypermarkets to facilitate the start of the school year. Families also receive these teaching aids and supplies before starting school.

For details, click: www.adniorom.hu !

(Source: Editorial)


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