Kayak Canoe Selector - According to the President, the vb team is developing

According to Gábor Schmidt, President of the Hungarian Kayak Canoe Association (MKKSZ), the team that will be able to fight for the Olympic quotas in the August World Championship in Szeged will be very nice after the first selection of the last week. He believes that in almost all disciplines, progress was seen in the Szolnok race, especially in male kayak and male canoe.

The first adult and youth selection team from Thursday to Sunday was attended by 813 starters from 52 associations, and according to Gábor Schmidt, federal captains in both the adult age and in the new generation were perfectly able to measure where the riders stay.

"The backbone that can be used to build a team to get as many Olympic quotas as possible at the August World Championships in August," said the president of the CCMI in an interview with the current channel M1, "Outstanding results, starting with we can see that there is a five-person team whose members can be expected to be stable;

According to Gábor Schmidt, there are five competitors in the male kayaks who have performed well and who have a more secure place in the VB team.

"From the point of view of the compilation of the quartet, 200 and 400 individuals, as well as 500 pairs, were dominated by Sándor Tótka, Balázs Birkás, Bence Nádas and István Kuli. even Bálint Kopasz, who has dominated one thousand in Hungary for years, and now has the shortest distance, can also win 500 meters, "said the sportsman, stressing that they were particularly pleased to be able to take the lead in both women and men young talents who competed in the youth last year.

The president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences considered it important to mention Mátyás Koleszár, Viktor Máté Nemeth, a young bodyguard, who was able to win 1000 pairs.

"I usually say that if you can win at least one boat length at home, it can be competitive at international level.

Gábor Schmidt highlighted Balla Virág, who with Devecseriné Takács Kincső in one Olympic number, C-2 500 meters very confidently won.

"This pair is fine, it has been very strong, but there are also five canoes who are likely to win the medals. Men, Csaba Hüttner made a decision to only pick up a selection for the male canoes in the Olympic number, but he had to leave for everyone," and this proved to be a great decision ", - said President Tamás Kiss in 1000 units only before András Bodonyi by 0.083 seconds, and the battle was similarly large in 1000 pairs, where Balázs Kiss, Bence Dóri beats Mátyás Sáfrány with only 0.183 seconds. , Tamás Bakó unit.

Gábor Schmidt also briefly commented on the August in Szeged, which has been marked by 80 countries so far.

"I would like this number to go over 90, which would be a record, but not the most important one, but for those who come, they will feel good. how much they expect their baby to be, because they are very fond of coming to Szeged and the fans, and thanks to the government's support, there is an unprecedented transformation on the Maty River, with which we are moving at a perfect pace. At the beginning of the 20th century, athletes from the acclimation training camp will be able to use the new facility, "the President said.

(Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay)

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