He's not a true professional, but he pulled the team out of trouble

Sport, essentially any form of exercise, can be dangerous. Steeplechase is no exception. In fact!

At the European Games held in Krakow, the steeplechase competition followed. However, two Belgian runners were also injured during the run. However, the team really needed the points, so in order not to lose them, athletes who excelled in a completely different sport took their place.


This is how it happened that their shot putter and hammer thrower got mixed up among the hurdlers. It is true that he did not complete the distance in the most professional way, but he got the point.

(Source: sportrajongo.co.hu / Pictures: Pixabay (The pictures are illustrations)


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  • steeplechase ()
  • exchange ()
  • shot putter ()

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Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said Fradi.hu on Tuesday.
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