Heather soared on the El Classic

Ádám Hanga, who strengthened Barcelona, was the best of the field on Sunday, defeating Real Madrid 83-63 in the 15th round of the Spanish Men's Basketball Championship.

In a hit game in front of 7,387 spectators, the 30-year-old Hungarian legionary scored 10 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists in 26 minutes and was ranked the best in the game with an overall performance index of 18. The Catalans succeeded in the list-leading rival and are also ranked second with a 12/3 victory.

"We have won five games in the Euroleague series and the success of El Clasico against Real shows that we are on the right track," the national basketball player told MTI. "I enjoy the game, and this season I have master Svetislav Pesic as a manager, which is a new challenge and new task."

A Catalan public favorite about the sequel said the first trophy of the season could be the Spanish King's Cup in February, which was conquered this year and last year.

"This is still a long way off, but Adam Hanga, whose team is third only in the Euroleague Continental Elite with Real Madrid and Turkish Efes Istanbul in the Euroleague's continental elite, is clearly still in sight. behind.

(Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay, mti)


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