Give pleasure - but why? Here are the results of the latest research!

Although it is possible to donate any day of the year, which fortunately many people do, it is primarily associated with the Christmas season. But why are we kindhearted at this time? What do we donate? And anyway: really a pleasure to give? SPAR and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service ended these issues. (X)

Those who donate regularly know exactly what it is like to give heartily. When we do not expect anything in return, we simply want to make someone's life more beautiful. Of course, as many houses, so many habits, everyone's charity is different, and the motivations are different. That is why SPAR and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service are pleased to give! In his action, he mapped the topic of a research, the results of which, to our great pleasure, have now been made public. Here are the most interesting relationships!


Donors in the majority

Researchers' questions have reached 1000 people, so it is safe to say that 68% of the population between the ages of 18 and 59 usually donate or donate on a regular basis. Respondents are primarily concerned with the fate of poor, needy children and sick children.

To help only with heart and soul

It is perhaps not surprising that charity is the most characteristic of the holiday season, and even the hypothesis that most donors, more than half of whom are driven by their emotions, are donated by feelings has been proven. They simply make them feel good if they can help - most often with money, clothes, durable food, toys or school supplies.

Give pleasure because ...

The most exciting part of the questionnaires is always the "spontaneous answers", because you can write anything here. Whatever the case, there are always overlaps between answers - again this time! 28% of respondents said that it is a pleasure to give because we can also make others happy.

Of course, the initiative did not stop with research, and, as has been the practice for more than two decades, food donation collection is the most important action of the cooperation, and the organizers look forward to helping everyone who wants to help. The charity volunteers will be collecting donations from selected SPAR and INTERSPAR stores between December 12 and 17 this year.

Whether it's a pound of flour, a couple of packets of dry pasta or even a whole basket of lasting food, everything will be in the best place - for families who have trouble creating a carefree holiday. Last year the charity organization put together more than 30,000 gift packages from buyers' donations, and this year's goal is no less: let's raise the bar!

If you also want to make someone's Christmas more beautiful, choose the one nearest to you at - and go SPAR! And if you're shopping at Batthyányi Square SPAR, don't just donate, grab a pen and write on the outside installation why you love to help - inspire others!

A list of participating stores is available at

(Source: Editors)


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