Paralympics 2020 - Kayak Kiss Péter Pál won a historic victory

Péter Kiss won a gold medal at K1 200 meters at the Tokyo Paralympics. Tamás Juhász was sixth in the same issue.

The Hungarian starter in the KL1 category - ie the most seriously injured - category, who won the world championship in Szeged in 2019 and is a two-time European champion, rowed very convincingly in Thursday's preliminaries, winning his own race with two buoy line differences. In Friday’s final, held in cloudy weather, almost windless, with occasional spraying rain on the Sea Forest Kayak-Canoe Track, Brazilian Carlos Luis Cardoso da Silva and France’s Rémy Boulle were his biggest opponents. Kiss went on track 4, next to him on the trio was Juhász - who had recently fought his way to the final with a nice win from the middle race - and on the other side, on the 5th, da Silva. Péter Kiss came great from the start, quickly gained a clear advantage and did not get tired, and finally finished second with Silva (48,031) with a 45.447 second result. In third place was Bouille (48,917).


According to the BHSE's 18-year-old kayak, the youngest Paralympic champion in the sport, who was paralyzed from the waist down at the age of eight due to Guillain Barré syndrome, won the Hungarian delegation's fourteenth coin - the seventh gold.

Tamás Juhász, a 45-year-old BHSE motorcycle accident rider who was still a wheelchair fencer at the London Paralympics in 2012, had previously made it to the finals with a nice mid-race victory, where he fought for the valuable sixth place.
Twenty-year-old Kiss Erik (KL3), one of whose legs is thinner, made it to the finals in a big fight, managed to snatch third place in the middle race, so he could prepare for the eighth final, in which he reached his finish in eighth.
Born with an open spine, 43-year-old András Rozbora (KL2) finished fifth in the middle race, making it to the B-Final, where he finished fourth - thus 12th overall.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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