They witnessed not only sporting events at the World Athletics Championships

In the lives of elite athletes, major sporting events are certainly important dates in their lives, but there are times when a competition can become even more memorable.

The World Athletics Championships in Budapest are certainly a very important event for us Hungarians, but the athletes also fought hard for the best possible positions. There is, however, one man and one woman who made the World Cup memorable not only because of their sports performance.

Hana Burzalova completed the 35 km walking distance, but when she reached the finish line, she could be happy not only knowing that she had covered the distance, but also that her partner, fellow athlete Dominik Cerny, was waiting for her. Even with a ring in his hand, because he proposed to his girlfriend at the event in Budapest.

(Source: / Pictures: Pixabay (The pictures are illustrations)


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Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
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