The canoe Balla Virág is coronavirus, it does not start in Szeged

According to the information of the sports daily, it is coronavirus, so Balla Virág, the Graboplast Győr world champion silver medalist and European champion canoe, cannot compete in the Szeged World Cup competition starting on Friday. Ballat was tested on Monday, with a positive result on Tuesday.

According to the information of the National Sport, Balla Virág, the Graboplast Győr World Championship silver medalist and European champion canoe, cannot compete in the World Cup competition in Szeged starting on Friday, as his corona virus test was positive.

"The team was tested on Monday and the result arrived early on Wednesday morning, unfortunately it was positive. I had to read the e-mail informing me several times to believe it," the competitor told the paper, adding that the result was "in it" in the deck "because he's been struggling with cold symptoms for two weeks.

The 26-year-old athlete would have started in five tracks, C-1,200m, 500 and 5,000, and C-2,200 and 500m on the Maty.

"Everyone asks me what I'm going to do now? First, I'm trying to organize my quarantine life and have to give up quite a few planned programs that would have been waiting for me for the next two weeks, and I'll be watching the World Cup on TV and online over the weekend. I'm so sorry that this is how it was formed, "said Balla Virág.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)


  • canoe ()
  • CoV epidemic ()
  • Szeged ()
  • maty-vas ()
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