Make the start of the school year easier for needy children! (x)

The upcoming first bell in September causes problems for countless families, as the purchase of the basic equipment necessary for the start of school represents a significant financial burden for them. INTERSPAR customers August 24-27. between September 4th and September 4th, the Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat and the SPAR Hungary "Give Joy!" within the framework of his campaign.

How much joy did a new school bag, or even a nice set of colored pencils, a shaped eraser bring you in your childhood? And how good does it feel to see the same happiness on the face of our elementary school child?

However, there are settlements where students cannot experience this feeling at the end of summer, because their parents not only can't buy a new pen holder, but often can't even buy bread at the end of the month. For families living in catchment areas, the purchase of school bags, gym equipment and other school supplies is often out of reach. The lack of a single tool - be it a notebook, a compass or a ruler - can significantly hinder them in their everyday learning.

Make it different!


You can also help by purchasing school supplies and donation cards

Thanks to the joint initiative of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR Hungary, you can now help needy children start school by purchasing school supplies or donation cards in INTERSPAR stores nationwide. Giving is Joy! in school supplies collection sale August 24-27. between, you can contribute to the start of school for children living in disadvantaged areas with notebooks, stationery, pen holders, school bags, gym packs, and other useful teaching aids purchased personally in the stores and given to the volunteers of the charity service on the spot. And by September 4, you can help disadvantaged students start the school year by purchasing donation cards. The cards can be purchased in denominations of HUF 500, 1500, 3000, 5000 and 10000, and the amount collected in this way is exchanged by the staff of the charity service for school supplies - a set of colored pencils, a package of notebooks, a pen holder full of stationery, a drawing set, a school bag filled with school supplies - and delivered to the families in need. to his children.


One thousand five hundred children's smiles

Giving is Joy! charity campaign is already 26 years old this year, and last year a campaign to collect school supplies took place for the first time. In four days, customers offered nearly 60,000 different school supplies to children in need, and by purchasing the donation cards, they contributed more than HUF 2.2 million to the start of the school year for those in a difficult situation, which SPAR Hungary supplemented with an additional HUF one million. All of this made it easier for 1,500 children to start school. Hundreds of volunteers of the Hungarian Maltese Charity August 24-27, 2022. between 2018 and 2018, will once again be deployed to domestic INTERSPAR stores to personally collect donations for children in need.

You can find more details about the campaign at , and here you can also access the list of participating stores.

(Source: Editorial)


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