Kayak Canoe Selector - Tamás Kiss has won a canoe at 1000 meters

Tamás Kiss won the only Olympic at the Sunday closing day, canoeing at 1,000 meters in the first selection race for kayak-goats in Szolnok.

The two-week ranked Olympic bronze medalist - recently certified from Csepel to Szeged - fought a great battle with André Bodonyi and finally arrived at the finish line with just 83 milliseconds ahead of his rival.

In some 500 meters, Kajak won the favorite Bálint Kopasz before Bence Dombvári and Ádám Varga.

For women, K-1 at 1000 meters, Csipes Tamara, who won three silver in the previous days, competed very tactically, ahead of the number one champion of the number, Bodonyi Dora in Szolnok, and finally, after the final number, a gold medal was hung around her neck. K-2 was born in 1000 meters with the help of Réka Hagymási and Erika Medveczky. The 500-meter battle of the canoe was won by Balla Virág, who, after two pair wins, closed the top three with three.

The Szolnok race ended with the 5,000-meter finals, with the kayak won by Dóra Bodonyi and Bálint Noé, as well as the canoe Lakatos Zsanett.

The second sorter will be held on June 18-20, at the same time.

Results (based on the association's scoreboard):


K-1 500 m:

1. Bálint Kopasz (Graboplast Győr Water Sports SE) 1: 38.006 p

2. Bence Dombvári (Budapest Honvéd SE) 1: 39.111

3. Ádám Varga (KSI SE) 1: 39.889

K-2 500 m:

1. Bence Nádas, Sándor Tótka (NKM Szegedi Water Sports SE, UTE) 1: 27.392

2. István Kuli, Balázs Birkás (NKM Szegedi Vízisport SE) 1: 28.604

3. Noé Zsombor, Gábor Bogár (Merkapt-Searcher Youth TSE, Szolnok Kayak-Canoe Club) 1: 29.609

C-1 1000 m:

1. Tamás Kiss (NKM Szegedi Vízisport SE) 3: 51.956

2. András Bodonyi (DVTK SE) 3: 52.039

3. Bóri Balázs Dóri (UTE) 3: 54.373

K-1 5000 m:

1. Noé Bálint (Budapest Honvéd SE) 19: 25.561

2. Pauman Dániel (FTC Rekontir Kayak-Canoe) 19: 26.349

3. Zoltán Kammerer (Graboplast Győr Water Sports SE) 19: 27.027


K-1 1000 m:

1. Csipes Tamara (Budapest Honvéd SE) 3: 52.657

2. Bodonyi Dóra (Szolnok Kayak-Canoe Club) 3: 53.379

3. Noémi Pupp (Nuclear Power Plant SE) 3: 54.379

K-2 1000 m (two units started):

1. Réka Hagymási, Erika Medveczky (Budapest Honvéd SE) 3: 35.914

2. Biben Karina Klaudia, Bakó Olga (KSI SE) 3: 38.931

C-1500 m:

1. Balla Virág (Graboplast Győr Water Sports SE) 2: 05.733

2. Nagy Bianka (NKM Szeged Water Sports SE) 2: 08.994

3. Bragato Giada (CCI of Tiszaújváros) 2: 10.561

K-1 5000 m:

1. Bodonyi Dóra (Szolnok Kayak-Canoe Club) 20: 51.353 p

2. Krisztina Fazekas-Zur (Graboplast Győr Water Sports SE) 20: 52.286

3. Noémi Pupp (Nuclear Power Plant SE) 20: 52.569

C-1 5000 m:

1. Lakatos Zsanett (UTE) 24: 50.726

2. Bragato Giada (CCI of Tiszaújváros) 24: 56.604

3. Kisbán Zsófia (Lágymányosi Spari Water Sports) 25: 14.976

(Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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