Full house waiting for the Hungarian men's tennis team in Frankfurt

He can play in front of a full house at the Davis Cup qualifier in Germany in February.

The Association (MTSZ) said Tuesday that the Hungarian team will be in the National Training Center for a half-day concert, joint training and Christmas team dinner.

“I thought it was important for the team to train together before the holidays to meet the players and to work together to build a new season. But not only to talk about the work, the joint work of 2018 will be crowned with a festive dinner after the togetherness, ” said Captain Gábor Köves. The expert has explained that in the young players "the desire for proof is raging" , they are very pleased to be able to play the national team again and motivate them to match their knowledge with the fresh world champion Alexander Zverev. The winner of the Frankfurt qualifier can take part in the 18-team DK final in November.

Attila Richter, General Secretary, said that all the tickets were sold to the organizers on the 1st and 2nd of February, and that there are only 40 tickets available for the Hungarian fans.

Meanwhile, the women's Fed Cup national team is also preparing for the February rounds: the big frame has already received the invitation from Captain Gábor Juhász. At the end of the year and in the first days of 2019, the preparation of the players takes place individually, and in the last week of January the team is in the National Training Center for several days. According to MTSZ, the goal of the national team is to get into the playoff round in the Euro-African Zone I qualifying round on 6-9 February. in Bath, England. In the group of Hungarians, Britain, Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Georgia and Slovenia will be the opponent.

“We have a very good balance of power in our group, but if we can stand up with the strongest team, we have a good chance of getting ahead and playing in the playoffs. And this motivates the girls, ” said Gábor Juhász, who is also the sports director of MTSZ.

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: MTI, youtube, pinterest, pixabay)


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