Doping - The doping patterns of 145 Russian athletes were manipulated

The International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) found that 145 of the 298 Russian athletes had their doping samples manipulated in a Moscow laboratory.

WADA published the results of its investigation after its experts completed the review of the laboratory database. Following a long tug-of-war on the Russian side, it handed over inspection data on Russian athletes from 2012 to 2015 to the international agency earlier last year. This was one of the conditions for WADA to say yes to restoring the curtailed rights of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA).

In December, the WADA Governing Board decided to deprive RUSADA of compliance status and issued a decision, which has been appealed by the Russians and is not yet final, that the country's athletes will not be allowed to participate in major international events for four years as members of the national team. competitions, including the Tokyo Olympics.

The Moscow lab and RUSADA were suspended at the end of 2015 after WADA found in a test report published in November this year that there was widespread doping in Russia. A year later, an independent commission of inquiry led by Richard McLaren, a Canadian law professor commissioned by WADA, concluded that in Russia, doping was applied systematically with state support.

Data revealing the manipulation was sent by WADA 28 to an international sports federation not mentioned in Thursday's report.

"This was the most complex study in the history of the fight against doping, involving thousands of samples, hundreds of athletes," said WADA President Vitold Banka.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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