Csaba Varga climbs Nanga Parbat

In connection with the tragedy of Szilárd Suhajda, climbing, more specifically, climbing Mount Everest, is receiving even more attention.

Mountain climbing is a dangerous sport, but those who choose it do not do it because they want to show it to the world and become a hero if they succeed, because if they don't, then because of that. It is a worship, a hobby, a way of life, in which there is a chance that the climber will not return from there.


No matter how many discouraging examples come from the world, the desire of climbers is to climb the highest mountain in the world with or without oxygen tanks. All of them are huge accomplishments. Szilárd Suhajda almost succeeded in all this, but he gave his life for the climb. Now that we have barely recovered from this, Csaba Varga is climbing, but he singled out Nanga Parbat in Pakistan. The 8,126-meter-high mountain also has extreme and unpredictable weather, as well as many vertical walls. Although it is only the 9th highest mountain in the world, it will not be easy for climbers here either. You have already reached the base camp, which is at 4200 meters. After that, he plans to conquer the peak alone. Which means that Csaba Varga will not be accompanied by Sherpas, and wants to do it without oxygen.

The name "killer mountain" is not encouraging, only Zsolt Erőss has climbed so far among Hungarians.

(Source: sportrajongo.co.hu / Pictures: Pixabay)


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  • Nanga Parbat ()
  • Csaba Varga ()

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