Balaji Baji won the athletic Super League Finals

As expected, the bronze medalist Balázs Baji won the 110-meter hurdles at the athletic Hungarian Super League finals on Saturday.


The athlete of the Budapest Honvéd SE remained 47 centimes a second away from its own national peak (13.15 sec), which ran in Székesfehérvár last July.

Tibor Koroknai won the 400-meter run with a personal record (47.47 seconds).

According to this year's results, the best eight of them won the start of the finals in Zugló's Lantos Mihály Sports Center. The athletes are competing in 19 prizes on the prize drawer.

Saturday winners (from the MASZ's website):

100 meters: Daniel Szabó (ARAK) 10.75 seconds
400 meters: Tibor Koroknai (DSC-SI) 47.47 sec
1500 meters: Vindics Balázs (UTE) 3: 55.37 minutes
110 meters barrier: Baji Balázs (BHSE) 13.62 sec
3000 meters obstacle: Dani Aron (BEAC) 9: 10.60 p
10 000 meters walking: Venyercsán Bence (BHSE) 42: 51.68 p
Long jump: Laszlo Szabó (FTC) 7.57 meters
Barbed Wire: Simonováros Csanád (GEAC) 5.02 m
Weighing: Tibor Rakovszky (Maximus SE) 17.17 m
Discusion: Zoltán Kővágó (Szolnoki Honvéd) 62.37 m
Three-prong (barbell, shotgun, 400 meters): Benedek Naszódi (KSI SE) 1970 points


100 meters: Kozák Luca (DSC-SI) 11.62 sec
400 meters: Nádházy Evelin (GEAC) 54.52 sec
1500 meters: Kriszta Pocus (TSC-Geotech) 4: 38.60 p
100 meters of dam: Kozák 13.20 sec
3000 meters obstacle: Anna Tóth Lili (BHSE) 10: 16.24 p
High jump: Renner Luca (GEAC) 1.78 m
Gap spread: Angéla Moravcsik (MTK Budapest) 53.78 m
Long jump: Nguyen Anastasia (MTK Budapest) 6.20 m
Hammer Throw: Gyurátz Réka (Dobó SE) 71.14 m

(Source:, mti / Photo: MTI, pinterest,,)


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