After the debate, the General Assembly approved the Presidency Report of the Tennis Association

After several hours of discussion, the General Assembly of the Hungarian Tennis Association (MTSZ) adopted the 2018 annual report of the Presidency on Tuesday.

In the last few months, the Budapest Council has called for a "Pure Tennis" badge, including László Markovits, President of Vasas, Tamás Darnyi Swimmer and Tibor Gécsek Hammer, and among the former tennis players Attila Sávolt, Andrea Temesvári, Ágnes Szávay. and Anikó Kapros. During the first three hours of the General Assembly, there was a sharp debate between them and the leadership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences during the presentation of the Presidency Report. In addition to the five items that were originally published, the "opposition" put forward five more points, which were voted down by 116 members, with 219 members, 78 votes and 12 abstentions.

Recent publicity, among others, was the staying of a summer crazy WTA tournament in Bucharest, a scoring system transformed by an international federation, problems in training for a new generation, or the association's budget to know the content of a 244-page presidency report only on Friday and members. The above Lajos Szucs Chairman, Attila Juhász Gábor Richter Secretary General and requested number sportigazgatón including Eugene Márky, Attila Savolt, Laszlo Markovits, Aniko Kapros Agnes Szavay and. Finally, the Assembly adopted the Presidency's report with 138 votes in favor, 54 votes in favor and 11 abstentions.

After the most important item on the agenda, most of the protesters left the room, and the 163 remaining members later accepted the report of the audit body on the management and operation of last year, and elected Molnár György to the presidency. Subsequently, the General Assembly decision became disabled due to low numbers, so Lajos Szucs said that the 2018 financial report and this year's draft budget submitted to a vote again within 15 days.

(Source:, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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