According to András Decsi, the man is on the right track

According to András Decsi, head coach of the man's swordsman, he is on the right track. The expert believes that everything is given to stay in the world rankings among the first four and thus obtain an Olympic quota.

"It is our intention to keep and strengthen our position. I would be very pleased if we stayed in the first four and the automatic qualification would succeed," he said on Tuesday on the current channel M1.

The man's sword team started third in the last weekend, Madrid World Cup, and held its fourth place.

"The first four in the first station is definitely a good start," Decsi said, adding that the semi-finals and bronze matches were not far from winning.

The head coach recalled that in the one-year qualifying period, there will be four more VV bouts now, the worst out of the five results, and the results achieved at the World Championships in Europe and Budapest will count. The top four in the ranking can automatically start in Tokyo, and four more teams will be placed in the field on a continental basis. In the case of the qualification of the national team, three Hungarian entries are guaranteed in the individual.

András Decsi betrayed, after the Rio Games, a clear goal was to be at the Olympic Games again after 2008.

"That's why we've tried to build the team's image and composition.

The Hungarian Olympics did not reach the Hungarian national team, and the Rio did not include the men's sword team competition because of the rotation system, but in Tokyo they run a complete program.

Responding to András Decsi's question, he also pointed out that András Szatmári, the individual world champion of 2017, had not yet built up his thigh muscle injury, leaving the Grand Prix in Seoul two weeks ago, and in Madrid only in solitary confinement. could not undertake.

"In the individual competition, it became clear that he was not able to regenerate properly," he said, and he also skipped the Moscow GP, which would be in two weeks.

"Hopefully the Eb will be ready," he added.

The Continental Tour is held in mid-June in Düsseldorf.

It has also been said that the world champion is a world champion, last year and last year as well, compared to South Koreans, in the last few years the Hungarians have often remained underneath.

"I think we have been able to get to the level of fighting in the recent past. Here we are a nuance that we may still be defeated at the moment, but I trust that when we get to the point where we can win a medal again with them , then those hits will turn to our good, "said Decsi, and then said," We are on the right track with their crawl.

(Source:, m4sport, mti / photo: pixabay, mti)


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