UEFA is mainly responsible for the chaos before the 2022 CL final

The European Football Association (UEFA) is mainly responsible for the chaos before last year's Champions League final, which almost led to a mass disaster, an independent committee commissioned by UEFA has concluded.

The report was released on Monday evening. It states that UEFA and the French authorities are responsible for the start of the Real Madrid-Liverpool CL final in Paris on May 28, 2022, 36 minutes late. Thousands of Liverpool fans, including women and children, were unable to enter the Stade de France, and French police fired tear gas at them. More than two hundred people were detained, 230 were injured.

"It is remarkable that no one lost their lives," says the 202-page report, in which they emphasize that UEFA, as the organizer of the match, bears the main responsibility for what happened, which "led to a near disaster."

UEFA has officially apologized to Liverpool for initially blaming the English club. At first, the European Federation and the French authorities suspected abuse of the entrants, according to their position at the time, many people tried to enter without tickets or with fake tickets, but based on the current report, there is no evidence of this.

The report also blames the French police because, among other things, they were not able to prevent crowding in places close to the stadium, such as at the entrance gates, even though this could have been expected. The use of tear gas was also unjustified, and they could not stop the local gangs that attacked and robbed foreign fans in the chaos.

UEFA is considered responsible despite the fact that it fully handed over the organization of the BL final to the French Football Association, the report concluded. It was also blamed as a mistake that the announcements issued by the organization were also based on a mistake: contrary to the claims, the start was not delayed due to the late arrival of the fans, and it was also not true that English supporters wanted to enter the stadium with fake tickets. According to the independent investigation committee, UEFA and the French authorities tried to shift responsibility.

Real Madrid won the final 1-0.

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, mti/Photo: pixabay, mti)


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