John Terry became the new head coach, Dean Smith, at Aston Villa's football team.
The English national team and Chelsea's former team captain announced on Sunday that they would stop playing and retire. This is his first coaching mandate.
Between 1995 and 2017, the midfielder Terry strengthened Chelsea, introduced in the adult team in 1998, and was elected as captain in 2004. With the London team he won everything he could: the International Champions League and the European League, while in England he was four times the champion, the FA Cup five times, and the league cup three times higher. In the English national team he entered 78 times.
He spent the previous season at the second-class Aston Villa, leaving at the end of May.
The leaders of the Birmingham Club announced on Wednesday evening the appointment of Smith, Terry's coach, with the goal of returning to the Premier League after the 2016 knockout.
(Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)