FTC: "We would have accepted the five-point advantage before the season, but ..."

If somebody told you before the season that they are driving the football NB I championship with five points during the winter break, he would have accepted it, but they got eight points for the last match, and there was "much to do" - said CEO of FTC Zrt. Saturday on the current channel M1.

According to Pál Orosz , on December 16, the Referee, finely speaking, "left the hard game" against Mol Vidi FC, but he also had something they missed.

In answer to a question, he said: Gergő Lovrencsics and Roland Varga were better off against Vidi; the latter also lost his memory of the match and found Vinicus Paulo very ugly.

"It happens very rarely" to let someone down at the head, let's down, "said Pál Orosz.

He reiterated that there was also a need for time to head for the Serbian Rebrov head coach during the season, and that the real Rebrov team could be seen in the spring. As he said, footballers will meet again at the beginning of January, then go to Turkey for two weeks, playing games for preparation. As they have said, their goal is to create a roughly final framework in the winter, with which it can be cut to international cupcatchers.

Pál Orosz pointed out that in the three-point system, the five points are "not a huge advantage", it would have been much better with the eight or perhaps a win against the Vidi at eleven. He stressed that the goal was to win the title and the Hungarian Cup for the 120th birthday of Ferencváros. He emphasized that at the international level, the club has to produce a production worthy of.

When asked whether, if Rebrov is dependent, Dániel Böde remains a player of Ferencváros in the spring, Pál Orosz replied: yes, in the case of the selected striker, it was just a week of resting.

(Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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