Unable to agree between players and owners, the start of the baseball league may be delayed

The players and owners of the North American Professional Baseball League (MLB) are far from reaching an agreement with each other, so for now it is questionable when they can start and how many matches they can hold in the 2020 league.

The problem is caused by the issue of salaries, as players do not want to make a bigger discount than in March, so they would insist that the regular season be reduced from 162 to 114 matches and baseball players receive a pro rata annual salary of 70 percent.

The owners, on the other hand, have proposed a season of 82 matches or a further pay cut that would give those earning a minimum wage of $ 563,500 47 percent of that, while the highest-paying stars, Mike Trout and Gerrit, who both received $ 36 million under their original contract. Cole would only get less than 22 percent.

Seeing resistance, the team leaders said they saw no chance of reaching an agreement on the 82-game regular season, so they could shorten game days further and the season could be less than 50 matches per team if the other party did not accept the pay cut.

The tournament did not start at the end of March due to the coronavirus epidemic, and then lengthy negotiations began to continue. A concrete plan was also made for the beginning of May, with a start in early July and 82 regular season matches, as well as 14 teams playing in the playoffs instead of the usual 10. All this would have suited both the owners and the players, but it was already known at that time that it would be difficult for those interested to get to the vineyard. This is because the owners have indicated that they cannot pay proportionately, they would only spend half of their actual income on wages.

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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